Monday, 30 January 2012

Time flies and so does my cuckoo

Having thrown out two big bags of clutter I now have the freedom of getting stuff back IN the house. I am a big fan of vintage, old and corny things. I love hunting for treasure in charity stores or on the attic of my parents and I found the corniest thing ever. It was lying in a basket covered in dust, just waiting for me to find it.

Yes, an old cuckoo clock. My mom warned me that it didn’t work properly anymore, sometimes it just stops running. I indeed had some trouble getting it to work, so I gave it a good clean and some love and it works like a charm.

You probably wonder if it also has this little bird in there, yes it does! And it works! I find myself waiting sometimes for it to come out and say cuckoooo cuckooooo. I couldn't get a proper picture of it, I was just too late for the 12 o'clock cuckoos! 

The dog still has to adjust to it every time the bird wakes him from his nap. He is such a scaredy cat.
Speaking of cats, I am going to copy cat something that is used in a lot of blogs. Inspired by blogs like Attic24 and Crochet with Raymond I introduce the Monthly Mosaic! I wanted to start these for a while, but I have waited for 2012. What better time to start with these than a new year.

January was just perfect, but went by soooo fast. I have high hopes of February, winter has finally arrived and I can’t wait to enjoy some winter scenes.

Have a great week sweet peas!  


  1. Your cuckoo clock is amazing.
    I was thinking of doing a monthly mosaic too just trying to figure out how to do it lol

    1. I did it in photoshop but there might be an easier way, you should make a mosaic!

  2. OOoooh i have always seen those on tv, poor dog being all scared he he!

    Your monthly mosaic idea is the temptation of doing my monthly mosaic he he :P

  3. Your monthly mosaic is lovely I do love the things you've made recently especially the hooded cowl.

    The cuckoo clock is very sweet, have you seen teawagon tales (I think!) has a coloured one, is it White or turquoise.....gos my memory is dreadful!

  4. Am a tad jealous, as always wanted a cuckoo clock. I caught up with your previous posts - and love the look of the bath mat, and the fact that it came from old, holey towels. Am going to print out the instructions and give them a go.

  5. Picasa also makes an easy mosaic.

    Suzanne, jy het een gelukkige hond, om sy eie hekel-kussing te hê!

    I still lust after you cape-poncho-thingey.

  6. I still haven't started the woodland hoodlet and i really wish i did because its freezing here and i could do with it. Things are just so busy but will try to get it started soon. I gave you an award over at mine because I really enjoy your blog. Have a good weekend.


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