All is
gloomy again here in Holland. The fresh cold sunny winter days didn’t last long
and have been replaced with rather warm but very rainy grey days. It makes the
atmosphere dull and I feel the need for spring.
I need
I need
I need
fresh air
I need to
I need all
that combined in a crisp neat interior, a warm and still fresh welcome for my
hubby and myself (and Puck the Jack Russell Dachshund, but I have the idea that
it pleases him when things start to get messy). I think many of you feel the
urge to reorganize once in a while.
I stumbled
on this post of Cherry Heart and she describes exactly how I feel right now. I
struggle like her when I need to make a picture for my blog. I surge for
perfect spots in my home and I found that they are in low numbers. I'm not pleased anymore with how my home looks, I feel the need to do something about this. So I introduce to you making a Pretty Crafty Home with Cherry Heart.
I will be posting about this journey throughout 2012 and will post this lovely button on each post. To give us a starting point there are 5 goals posted on the Cherry Heart blog:
Tidy, tidy, tidy and clean, clean clean!
The first step is to get rid of the junk and de-clutter. It's time to get
rid of the stuff I don't want, don't need and can't use or re-use and tidy up
everything I'm keeping. As I'm doing the tidying and de-cluttering I'm
going to be giving this house the 'Spring clean' of it's life.
2. If
it has to live here, it should be pretty.
If there comes something new, it should add to the home, not
3. If
I don't like how it looks, and I can change it, I will.
I'm not planning on re-decorating the whole house, this is about finding the
bits you don't like and changing them into something you do.
Thrift, re-use and recycling are my watch words.
As it stands the budget for this little project is practically zero, so I'm
looking for cheap solutions here! (Although there may be the odd exception,
knowing me!)
Crafting is king!
The most important thing thing of all. This project is all about home
improvement through crafting. If it's home made and it makes me happier
about my home then it's part of the project.
Next to these copied rules I want to
add another rule of myself:
Something comes, something goes
My mom always has this rule I had to obey when I wanted new toys as a child.
When I wanted something new, something old had to go. This wasn’t always easy
and of course me mom made exceptions with occasions like birthdays and holidays,
but overall this rule was very useful. It made me appreciate my old toys more
and they didn’t end up in a box on the attic but were given to family or charity
to get a second life. So, this will be an extra rule for me to achieve a nice
and tidy home.
It is funny
though, when I became a teenager I thought my mom wasn’t being realistic at
all. I mean, a girl cannot have enough shoes, bags, cloths, etc…right? So the
rule was ignored, categorized as rubbish. But of course, now that I am older, I
see my mom was right all along. Sorry mom, hahaha.
So, if you
want to join this journey with me and many others in blogland gather at the Cherry
Heart blog here and make your home pretty and crafty.